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ItemFix Tutorial - Short compilation
For this tutorial we use two different templates to create a short tutorial using two video clips an..
It was at this moment...a meme tutorial
Learn how to use the "It was at this moment..." template. Perfect for accidents, stupidity..
ItemFix Tutorial - Loop Segment
In this video we apply the loop template to a video FIX and also add a caption..
Tutorial how to stop a Covid Party
Here's a short tutorial how to stop an unwanted Covid party in Balkan Credit: Yoku..
Speaky's tutorial: HOW TO ENJOY THE WINE?
We italians have a long-standing tradition of drinking wine, and it is an integral part of our cultu..
Tutorial: Text to Speech
Taking a look at the text to speech engine on ItemFix. Let's see what you can do with it! You can..
Tutorial: ItemFix Meme Generator
A quick look at using our MEME generator here on Itemfix You can find the meme generator here: item..