search for keyword: 'Karnataka'
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Per colpa di un selfie, elefante carica i turisti nel Parco Nazionale di Bandipur in Karnataka
Per colpa di un selfie, elefante carica i turisti nel Parco Nazionale di Bandipur in Karnataka. Un v..
IG Ooooops
He's gone.
Cobra bite
A young man was bitten by a snake after he practiced in front of three cobra snakes with the intenti..
How did he survive that? Driver walks away unhurt after car flips multiple times in shocking crash
A driver in southern India escaped injury after crashing his car and being flipped multiple times w..
Pure genius: Indian inventor claims a reusable portable water purifier costing less than half a dollar
An Indian engineer claims to have designed a reusable and portable water purifier that costs less th..
Brave woman frees 7-foot rat snake from net in southern India
A brave woman painstakingly cut free a 7-foot-long rat snake from a net in southern India on Saturda..