
CMPD Released Bodycam footage Of A CMPD Officer Who Was Arrested And Charged With Embezzlement

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0:00 - Arrest and Search
7:40 - At the station, money count
28:54 - At station, money count
37:11 - Money found
42:28 - Officer confesses
43:07 - Money found
51:02 - Officer detained
52:36 - Officer detained
the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department (CMPD) released body-worn camera (BWC) video footage of a CMPD officer who was arrested and charged with embezzlement following an incident that occurred on March 14, 2024.

The video footage was ordered for release by a judge following a court petition.

A warrant gives more details on the arrest of a Charlotte–Mecklenburg Police Department officer for embezzlement.

The investigation is due to a report from an arrestee stating that an officer stole property from him on March 14th. A warrant claims Officer Henry Chapman responded to assist an officer during a traffic stop. The driver of the vehicle was allegedly speeding and had an outstanding federal arrest warrant.

The warrant claims the driver had personal property that included a total of $7,911 that was in the possession of Officer Chapman while he transported the driver to the University City Division Team Office.

While at the office, the warrant claims Officer Chapman requested another officer transport the driver of the vehicle to jail. Another officer got the driver out of Officer Chapman’s patrol vehicle and began to search him. During the search, the assisting officer and the driver who was getting arrested heard a rubber band snap, which resulted in the driver saying that Officer Chapman was stealing money that was in the rubber band, according to the warrant.

The subject getting arrested said Officer Chapman had the money in between his legs and was moving his left hand towards the driver door pocket of his patrol vehicle, according to the warrant, and the assisting officer also confirmed this.

A sergeant approached the driver, the assisting officer, and Officer Chapman as the driver was making the allegations. That’s when the warrant claims that Officer Chapman was fidgeting around in his vehicle and then exited and emptied his pockets, stating that he, “doesn’t have any money.” Officer Chapman then opened his vehicle and positioned himself to block the driver door pocket, according to the warrant.

The driver, who was getting arrested, saw the money in the door pocket, according to the warrant. The sergeant removed nine $100 bills from Officer Chapman’s patrol vehicle driver door pocket, according to the warrant. It also states that Officer Chapman denied knowing the money was there. The entire incident was captured on body worn cameras, according to CMPD.

Officer Chapman later apologized to the sergeant and admitting to taking the money but stated that he wasn’t going to steal it, according to the warrant. The report says he later apologized to two sergeants.

After further evaluation, detectives arrested Officer Chapman and charged him with one count of embezzlement.

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ThisIsButter1 (10990.00)

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