Moulding large components for massive rock crushers..
Never tire of watching these guys using the facilities they have on offer fabricating large pieces of machinery that was once the preserve of large western casting foundries....but that is all long gone. Once the UK had casting shops like this all over parts of the Midlands that was commonly referred to as being 'The Black Country'...they called it that because of the smoke and dirt that permeated the air for over one hundred years. Now then, these items might not pass a NASA quality test but they don't need to be on-spec down to a thou or two...they are Daryl jobs - ie, 'Daryl do..'
As stated previously, when the Topol Ms and Minutemen have done their dastardly work and the western centres of production lie in smoking ruins there'll still be many outfits like this keeping their parts of their societies going whereas anyone left in the western parts will be at a total loss - probably.