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Best ever President that never happened.
Worst Ever President has already been written in to global history books...
Herd Immunity USA – It’s Here! The Government COVID Calamity Is Over* - Ledger Report 1155
The CDC itself is now reporting that upwards of 83% of the U.S. population (16 and up) has some form..
Trump Confused That Treason is Illegal
Interesting that the Trump team is going this route. Are they saying that he was ignorant of the law..
Biden wants Putin tried for War Crimes.
The spineless little man couldn't even get trump in court charged with manslaughter or sex crimes ne..
Did you really vote for this? )))
He sincerely laughed. Where is Ukraine, where is Iran ... and, by the way, in Iran they are now mar..
American Justice is Laughable
I just Watched a documentary about five teenagers aged 15 16 17 that broke in to a neighbours house..