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Christmas tree worms have crowns that resemble the fir trees that gave them their festive name. Thes..
ONLY FOR YOU: Speaky's italian SECRET RECIPE, mamma miaaaaa!!!
PALLOTTE CACIO E OVA (impossible to translate) - Ingredients To make the pallotte cacio e ova at..
Ariane 6 launch pad water deluge system test
The water deluge system, which is activated at liftoff, was put to the test on the Ariane 6 launch p..
Engineer builds a motorbike makeshift ambulance to help COVID-19 patients in India
An engineer has turned his motorbike into a makeshift ambulance in the city of Dar, India, to help C..
Pedestrians' hair stands on end when walking past square in southern China
Pedestrians' hair stood up on ends when walking past a square in southern China. The funny video,..