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Blame Poor Joe Biden For Global Fuel Price Hikes Around The World. .
A Pennsylvania man fed up with rising gas prices was arrested after he put stickers on fuel pumps fe..
Snaggletooth Stacy Abrams
Two years ago, children were not the issue. Since Joe Biden and one-party Democrat rule came to Was..
Biden Did This
Why are the Dems doing this? Texas, today, December 7, 2023. Why are the libs killing us with these..
45’24: Now More Than Ever Hop Aboard the Trump Boat Parade – Ledger Report 1127
Out of control government debt, border chaos, inflation, gas prices skyrocketing, on and on and on. ..
Bodycam video released shows acquitted North Texas ex-cop shooting unarmed Black man
Nearly one week after a jury acquitted him, Hunt County released body camera footage showing former ..
Boris the Tory Snake Hissssssssssssssssss
Boris removed the UK from EU membership against very High public opinion, and even PM David Cameron ..
Caspian monster and someone else.
I show only three devices from the total fleet. 01. Ekranoplan 'Skat' ('Stingray'). Private car. ..