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Leaking pipe in railway station provides free shower for train passengers
And endless amusement for those on the platform watching. Those poor buggers at the end when it stop..
When someone scares you, but your girlfriend is there
Me asking, How did your career of a singer begin? He: its complicated...
Some well equipped gentlemen having a swinging time
The expression on that woman's face at 00:18.....
Mine clearing line charge
Remember when we stabbed the ground with a knife? Doesnt get much cooler then this. 1250lbs of C4 ..
Precision guided airstrikes
It’s not about the explosion. It’s about the accuracy. No wonder it's so hard to find a good se..
Tracer Shoot
mad minute tracer shoot. meanwhile Frank on the other side of the mountain is wondering why it's rai..
Visualization Self Driving Car
The brain of a car. Trough the eyes of FSD BETA 8 Watch this. Note* This vehicle is not fully ..