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Car speeds through intersection, clips another car but avoids a massive accident
Togliatti, Russia...
Why You Should Always Wear a Seat Belt
According to the portal "Russian Roads", on May 27, the GAZon truck crashed into the struc..
Live TV reporter run for cover as many gunshots are fired in parking dispute
Multiple gunshots were fired Tuesday in an alleged fight over parking near the George Floyd Square i..
Florida police chase
Juvenile suspects led police on a high speed chase through Broward County, Florida, injuring several..
Tough Kid: High Speed Impact on Bike
Knocks the wind out of him and likely hurt like hell but the kid gathers his ride and heads back hom..
Ariane 6 launch pad water deluge system test
The water deluge system, which is activated at liftoff, was put to the test on the Ariane 6 launch p..