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Ship Capsizes in Turkey’s Iskenderun Port, Sept 19, 2022
Apparently the ship had stability issues and was being unloaded to help rectify. 24 containers lost..
BBQ in honor of the Emperor August (with some wine and cheese)
Usually, from the time of the Emperor Augustus (18 AC), in the middle of August, in Italy it is cele..
Turkish "drunk" bear
A 'drunk' bear was found slumped in a forest and given a lift to the vet after gorging on hallucinog..
My Winter 2022/2023 Forecast for North America
Here is my Winter 2022/2023 Forecast and it will be much Snowier and Stormier Than Normal Winter and..
Turkey metro station lets stray dogs sleep there in the winter
of course, they should maintain social distancing..
Wild winds in Istanbul
A powerful storm has pounded Istanbul and other parts of Turkey, killing at least four people and wr..
Bus drivers helping motorcyclists who have difficulty crossing the bridge during heavy winds
Turkey, November 2021..