search for keyword: 'caught on camera'
query: caught on camera [x]
2 rescued out of sinking vehicle in North Jersey pond
Caught on camera, police in Morris County, New Jersey pulled two people from a submerged vehicle in ..
Sniffing Maniac
A man was caught on camera sniffing the butt of a customer in the aisle of a pet store in Texas..
Porch Pirate gets blasted and busted
Maybe it was staged, because the blast looks fake, but never the less funny AF..
Dash cam footage of highway moose collision
The moment of the terrible accident caught on camera, the record was published by the press service ..
Shoplifter caught on camera - Fixed
SAN FRANCISCO -- Cell phone video taken Monday shows some of the brazen crime that has been driving ..
Brazen shoplifter caught on camera
SAN FRANCISCO -- Cell phone video taken Monday shows some of the brazen crime that has been driving ..
Violent Storm and Tornado Hit Oman May 5, 2021.
Violent Storm and Tornado Hit Oman May 5, 2021 A violent thunderstorm formed in northeastern Oman la..