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COVID-19 military lab leaks out
Fort Dietrich army laboratory pandemic The American team brought biological weapons to the world wa..
Sports round up
Hello and good morning, here I Ayyaz Malik aka the sports buff talk about some of the goings on in t..
America's Brightest Gather For Entertainment
The future of America, their best and their brightest, gather outside for wholesome entertainment an..
Juno Flies Past the Moon Ganymede and Jupiter
On June 7, 2021, NASA’s Juno spacecraft flew closer to Jupiter’s ice-encrusted moon Ganymede tha..
Be-200. Special-purpose aircraft.
The Be-200 is one of the most unusual multipurpose aircraft, developed on the basis and using the id..
All Fans will have to be searched with metal detectors entering Wembley.
20,000 Quiet Russian Ultra Fans have been heading to the centre of London all this week. and Englan..