Moment of impact. what!!!! what the Fuck is that?
a random object smashing a car window. but wtf is that? actual footage here
Random Objects Flying into Car front window.
It's one of my biggest fears while driving. It's happened to me before as a passenger. It's not just..
9 real cars try to fly. 1 car succeded!!! WAtch
That must be one of the scariest things; seeing a car FLYING towards you, head on, and your having n..
Something other than War!! WTF you doing my boy
I bursted out laughing when that guy pulled out his gun. hahahaha..
balloons filled with hydrogen and crackers is?????????
Ghost rider spotted at 0:11 Man with fire in head. Dozens of balloons filled with hydrogen expl..
Police end hostage-taking in Apple Store Amsterdam,
The hostage-taking in the Apple Store on Leidseplein has come to an end. The Amsterdam police on Tue..
Kids are told in school NO MORE MASKS!!!!!!! Amen.
Kids Get told in school NO MORE MASKS. This makes my heart so happy. Kids finally being able to be ..
Drupada Cannabisa discovered
This species of fish is found in the shallow part of the sea on the coast of Jamaica. What do you g..