search for keyword: 'Wet'
Bodycam video shows 2 black Labrador's being rescued from a frozen pond by Fort Wayne PD
The Fort Wayne Police Department made a double doggy rescue this weekend. The department said on ..
Overland Park police officer narrowly avoids black ice crash
There was a close call Thursday morning on black ice as an Overland Park police officer barely escap..
Officers Save Fleeing Suspect From Burning Car After Chase
Two Westchester County Police officers will be nominated for a lifesaving award for pulling a fleein..
Heavy Rain to Hit Los Angeles California on Wednesday December 20, 2023
Heavy Rain is on its way for Los Angeles California on Wednesday December 20, 2023 and it will bring..
Florida man's leap into canal leaves pursuing deputies asking in bodycam video, What are you doing?
A Florida man swam through multiple canals while trying to evade authorities after allegedly punchin..
Body cam footage shows moments when Stockton officer shot man carrying fake gun
About a month after a police shooting left a man carrying a replica gun dead, the Stockton Police De..
Dalton police sergeant fired after 3-high-speed pursuits, including 1 that resulted in a fatal crash
0:00 - Chase 1 3:57 - Chase 2 20:22 - Chase 3 ----- A Dalton police sergeant has been fired for ..
Suspect arrested by Marion deputies when fleeing from a traffic stop for driving without headlights
On August 1, 2023, at around 1:30 a.m., Corporal Beccue and Deputy Kelsey Gonzalez observed a black ..