Making gas cylinders..
bottled gas in that part of the world is really big business for not many countries outside of the U..
Weekend Cinema - get fell-in..
felling massive Redwood trees in California during the 50's and 60's. They would have been young tre..
Weekend Cinema - in hot water..
an anglosaxonwarlord-cleaner post from 2014 about the hot water underneath New Zealand....whether i..
Weekend Cinema - Chicago..
a look at Chicago many years can almost imagine bootleggers and gangsters with machine gun..
Weekend Cinema - Building the St Louis Arch
1965.... Initially the sound is a tad iffy but by the time it settles down it's full spec Hi-Fi o..
spot of forgery
as stated before, after the Topol M's and Minutemen have done their dastardly work and all the viabl..
Weekend Cinema - The Non-stopper..
A British Transport Film Library Classic of that era....the non-stopper from London Town to Edinburg..
Weekend Cinema - 'W' Class Div'n.
everyone in the world (except 14 apparently) loves a Blast Furnace...a hundred years ago this was Hi..
Weekend Cinema - Power to the people..
everyone in the werld knows how motorcars werk and are built (except 11 people in Vanuatu and the su..