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Weekend Cinema - making a crankshaft..
after the next big conflagration who do you think will be up n running before anyone else with 'mach..
Police save fleeing subject from drowning in Newburgh
A suspect who was attempting to flee a police investigation nearly drowned in a city pond while he w..
Plane crash lands on Freeway
A single-engine airplane crashed into a pickup truck on the 91 Freeway in Corona and then burst into..
Off-duty Mount Pleasant officer saves woman from burning car
To protect and serve, it’s a motto for law enforcement across the country – and that motto becam..
Bob "Rocketman" Maddox
Bob "Rocketman" Maddox, known for his outlandish inventions, demonstrates his DIY go-kart ..
Is Doing Business in the US Too Complicated? How to Prevent Corruption: a blog about the corruption in America
America has a way of doing business. This article is to explain what it is, how it works, and how to..
'Beach Animals'
These 'Beach Animals' were created by Theo Jansen as a fusion of art and engineering. The kinetic st..