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Biden's sign language interpreter when he announced sanctions against Russia.
God bless the idiots! When he said that the Russian deputies would not be able to be treated abroad..
Chinese army.
Training of Chinese soldiers. Sound - the song 'Pea grains' of the group 'Nautilus Pompilius', ..
The current political craziness and solution in general
In general the political craziness we see is the corruption being exposed and fighting for it's life..
Herd Immunity USA – It’s Here! The Government COVID Calamity Is Over* - Ledger Report 1155
The CDC itself is now reporting that upwards of 83% of the U.S. population (16 and up) has some form..
Gunfire Cuts Short Protest Against Taliban In Jalalabad
The first pushback against the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan appeared to draw a violent response f..
Gideon Modern and Ancient
Gideon was an ancient Judge in Israel in the Old Testament who through a very dark strategy God gave..
Salvation Hell and Repentance
Faith without works is dead, and we are saved by believing God AND being faithful to what we believe..